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Keeping Your Senior Adults Safe, Warm, and Healthy This Winter

While there is nothing as serene as sitting at the window watching the snowfall, the winter season brings along its host of challenges for all ages, as well. Icy walkways compromised driving conditions and cold temperatures can cause a wide range of injuries for anyone, especially the senior population that is at higher risk for pneumonia, flu, and low immunity. Here are home health care service experts who have gathered 2 practical tips for keeping older adults safe, warm, and healthy throughout the coldest days of the year.

Have an emergency plan in place.

A winter emergency plan is the best way to keep your loved one safe at home. If you are a caregiver and are unable to check on your loved one due to personal illness or emergency, have a trustworthy family member or friend on-call to step in when needed.

Be sure to keep the house stocked with essentials such as non-perishable goods, flashlights, and warm blankets, in case a severe weather event occurs and leaves your loved one without electricity.

Plan for senior safety on the roads.

If your loved one is independent enough to drive on their own, keep in mind that winter driving can be hazardous for anyone, and especially poses higher risks for older drivers who may not drive as much as they used to or whose reflexes are not as quick as they once were.

Be sure you get your loved one’s car professionally inspected and serviced before winter arrives. Changing tail lights, tires, brakes, and wipers can make a big difference on winter roads and prevent dangerous accidents in inclement weather.

Find the right home health care for your loved ones in Wailuku, HI by choosing experts that you can rely on. If you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out to Megacare LLC HI. Give us a call now at (808) 556-6755 to know more about our home health care service and schedule an appointment with us!