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When Is the Right Time to Start Home Care?


There comes a time when the people who have cared for and raised us are now in a position where they need care and additional help themselves. Home care services in Wailuku, Hawaii, is an excellent option that can help your elderly parents age in place. Likewise, we will discuss the signs that indicate a need for home care:

  • Increasing Forgetfulness

    It may be time to arrange caregiving services in Kahului, Hawaii, if you notice your loved one growing increasingly forgetful. If you notice they start to forget to take their medications or lock the door and it’s not just a once-off slip of the mind, consider arranging additional help. Moreover, frequent forgetfulness may be a symptom of an underlying condition like dementia.

  • Drastic Weight Changes

    Drastic weight gain or loss is a sign your loved one is not eating properly and healthily. This could be a sign they need help managing their day-to-day activities as well. With light housekeeping in Hawaii, seniors receive assistance with tasks like cleaning and meal preparation to promote healthy aging.

  • Poor Hygiene

    Signs of poor personal hygiene are stains on clothes, body odor, and untrimmed fingernails. Poor hygiene is a sign your loved one is gradually growing incapable of looking after their needs. Home care may include personal care in Haiku, Hawaii,to provide assistance with tasks like bathing, oral care, dressing, and more.

Megacare LLC HI is your trusted home care provider. From companionship to light housekeeping, we offer comprehensive care that’s tailored to meet your needs. Get in touch with us to find out more.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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