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Fall Prevention Strategies for Seniors at Home


We highly recommend getting personalized assistance or home care services for your senior loved ones at home. Having a caregiver, especially if they live alone, can help make sure they are safe from falls and that their needs are accomplished.

As one of the leading providers of home care and light housekeeping in Hawaii, allow us to share some strategies that can help seniors reduce their risk of falls at home.

  • Non-Slip Flooring and Proper Lighting
    Ensure that floors, especially in areas like kitchens and bathrooms, have rugs or non-slip surfaces to reduce the risk of slipping. Adequate lighting is also crucial. Ensure that all areas, including entrances, stairs, and hallways, are well-lit to help seniors see potential hazards.
  • Handrails, Grab Bars, and Clutter-Free Walkways
    Install handrails along staircases and grab bars in bathrooms to provide support and stability where seniors are more prone to losing balance. Walkways should also be clear of obstacles like loose wires, furniture, or clutter. This reduces the risk of tripping and falling.
  • Proper Footwear and Regular Exercise
    Encourage seniors to wear supportive, non-slip footwear both outdoors and indoors to enhance stability and reduce the risk of slipping. They should also engage in exercises that improve balance and strength, as these can significantly reduce the risk of falls. Consult with a healthcare professional for suitable exercises.

Are you looking for home care services in Wailuku, Hawaii? Then you have come to the right place. Look for no other than Megacare LLC HI. We can help you live a better quality of life in the comforts of your home.

For caregiving services in Kahului, Hawaii, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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